A to Z challenge

The A to Z Challenge: X is for X-Ray

  Experimenters taking an X-ray with an early Crookes tube apparatus, 1896. (Note the lack of any precaution against exposure to the radiation.) The first medical X-rays were made in […]

The A to Z Challenge: W is for Washing

Wash day ‘Don’t go getting any ideas,’ Lizzie said. ‘I’m too tired. It’s Monday, remember? The wife’s night off.’ —from Mud and Gold. She had earned her good night’s sleep. […]

New Zealand’s first parliamentary election was in 1853. At the time it followed British tradition, with voting rights limited to males aged 21 or over and in possession of property […]

The A to Z Challenge: U is for Underwear

A weighty matter for today’s discussion. Let us draw a veil over the matter of men with their long-johns and woollen combinations, confining ourselves to ladies and their not-quite-unmentionables. Throughout […]

Primary school education was made free and compulsory in New Zealand in 1877. In practice this covered far fewer children than “compulsory” suggests. Parents were exempt from having to send […]

Queen Victoria’s reign began in 1837, just a few years before New Zealand’s founding document, the Treaty of Waitangi, was signed. So her reign and the nation that was the […]